pre-k or tk?
The choice is yours.
Learn the differences between play-based Pre-K programs & California’s TK program.
Today, parents of children whose birthdays fall between September through April are faced with the decision to either enroll their child in California’s Universal TK program or give them another year of a play-based preschool in a Pre-K program.
Play-based preschool Pre-K programs and transitional kindergarten (TK) programs each provide unique experiences for young learners, allowing them to explore the world around them in their own way. While they are both early learning environments, there are significant differences between these two approaches that parents should consider when deciding which is right for their child. Below we highlight some of these key distinctions so you can decide what program best suits your family.
What is Transitional Kindergarten (TK)?
With the introduction of free Transitional Kindergarten (TK), California is taking steps towards providing universal preschool education to its students and helping close the achievement gap. Most TK classes are full-day, with enrollment of approximately 20 children whose birthdays fall between September and April. The majority of instructional time in the classroom is focused on reading activities, while also incorporating math, art, music and social studies in varying amounts. Teachers strive for a balance of whole group learning as well as small groups and individual, with student-chosen activities typically making up around a third of their day, thought to be more developmentally appropriate for young children. Most of the instruction taught in TK classrooms is didactic, with teachers instructing students in a less interactive way. TK programs vary widely; consider reaching out to your school district to learn more about how their TK program is structured.
Kindergarten Readiness
As your little one approaches kindergarten, it's natural to wonder if they are ready. The answer is that development will vary from child to child, but most children acquire the necessary skills they need through regular activities before age 6. Skills such as gross and fine motor skill development; comfort with group work; self regulation & transitioning tasks - all of which can been seen in normal play sessions or preschools. While TK programs may offer certain advantages like helping a child excel at math and literacy when starting kindergarten – catching up typically isn't an issue, as most children who have not participated in TK reach the same level as those who did by the end of their first year. Additionally, participation in TK does not show any measurable improvement in a child’s classroom behavior or executive function.
LGPNS Pre-K program
Conversely, at Los Gatos Parent Nursery School, we understand that every child's path to success is unique. Our program takes a holistic approach that nourishes the physical, cognitive and emotional development of each student in preparation for kindergarten––all while providing hands-on learning experiences designed to spark curiosity and creativity. Parents also have access to resources so they can take an active role in supporting and guiding their child’s journey during this important stage of growth.
Through the nurturing environment of LPGNS, children are gaining unique experiences to build lifelong foundations for learning. They explore their senses through outdoor and indoor activities and are given opportunities to take risks that help them grow into confident individuals with strong muscles, balance, and coordination skills. Manipulating natural objects such as wooden blocks or arts materials helps boost fine motor development while providing tactile stimulation.
Through interacting with their environment, children expand their knowledge and refine critical thinking skills. By exploring the world through stories, songs, pretend play and rhymes, they develop skills in sorting facts from fiction as well language proficiency.
Through play, circle time and snack time activities, children learn valuable life skills such as collaborating with others, communicating shared ideas and opinions effectively, and problem solving. Additionally, these experiences also foster a connection between our young learners and their environment by teaching them the importance of protecting nature for future generations.
Children develop an understanding of their emotions, as well as respect for the feelings of those around them. Through risk taking and mastering challenges, they develop skills that enable them to navigate life's ups-and-downs with greater self assurance. As they learn how to identify emotions and respond positively, their capacity for resilience increases too.
The differences between Pre-k and CAlifornia’s tk Program
Pre-K at Los Gatos Parent Nursery School
At LGPNS, our teachers are committed to creating an environment of learning and growth. The adult-student ratio can be as low as 3:1 in order to provide ample opportunity for interactions between everyone involved—teachers, students, and the working parents—that maximizes developmentally appropriate practices during instruction. Meaningful play activities are observed by the teachers who adapt lesson plans according to interests shown during class time.
TK education options are plentiful throughout the country, yet a recent study found that instructional techniques used in many TK classrooms were predominantly didactic, with teachers “providing information to students in a less interactive way.” The class structure of planned activities and curriculum are typically solely determined by the TK teachers, with the teacher-child ratio being 12:1.
Pre-K at Los Gatos Parent Nursery School
LGPNS children are educated with a whole-child approach to development that supports their physical, intellectual and social & emotional needs. By incorporating physical activity, social interaction, and emotional expression into our play-based program, we support the growth of every aspect of children—from intellectual proficiency to self-confidence and resilience. With opportunities for pretend and role playing that have been shown to boost language skills as well as communication in both adults and kids alike, LGPNS is a wonderful environment for encouraging creativity while teaching age appropriate life lessons.
TK was introduced in California as a step toward providing universal preschool. It is essentially an additional year of kindergarten. The majority of TK classrooms are full day.
Pre-K Los Gatos Parent Nursery School
LGPNS instruction takes place both indoors and outdoors. Learning through play experiences helps children grow and develop. By spending time in both indoor and outdoor settings, they are able to explore the world around them at their own pace without being rushed or expected to sit still for long periods of time.
Most TK classes are held in classrooms with traditional desks and chairs on an elementary school campus; some share instruction and physical space with a kindergarten classroom.
Pre-K at Los Gatos Parent Nursery School
At LGPNS, we strive to provide an exceptionally stimulating and nurturing environment for your child. In each class a highly experienced and enthusiastic teacher facilitates large group activities such as circle time – while parents join in the fun by leading smaller groups through art projects, science experiments, outdoor activities like gardening mud and water play, nature watching and more. With a high adult-to-child ratio providing supervision and security, parents can rest assured that the individual needs of their child will be fully met. Our primary goal at LGPNS is for your child to thrive in their preschool experience,
TK classes are focused on providing students with an educational experience that focuses on kindergarten readiness, with an emphasis on math and literacy.
Pre-K at Los Gatos Parent Nursery School
Los Gatos Parent Nursery School is a unique learning environment for children, run by dedicated parents who volunteer their time to ensure the school lives up to its excellent reputation. It's essential that parents stay involved at LGPNS in order for it remain an exemplary place of growth and development for both children and adults. Parents work in their child’s classroom one day per week and have the opportunity to to formally observe their child during the class. After their observation time, the parent meets one-on-one with the teacher to discuss the child’s growth and individual needs. Additionally, parents attend meetings each semester pertaining to their child’s class and teacher. These meetings provide helpful insights into how children grow, along with strategies on best supporting them throughout each new stage or challenge they may face.
The level of involvement a parent plays in a TK classrooms varies greatly based on individual teachers and schools. Some educators truly value parent volunteers while others prefer that young students rely solely on professional guidance during class time.
The case for more play
Research from American Institutes for Research (AIR) shows that TK students, while they may score higher on math and literacy concepts, do not show marked improvement on executive functions. Further, the non-TK students generally catch up to the TK students in academia later on.
Research studies suggest that play-based learning is an effective and powerful way for children to develop essential physical, cognitive and emotional skills. Providing your children with a play-based, cooperative preschool experience is an invaluable gift. Not only will they reap the joy of childhood's most memorable moments, but studies show that such environments also significantly benefit their physical and mental development.
Though not all parents can take advantage of this opportunity due to financial or time constraints, if you're one of the lucky ones who can provide your child with an extra year of play-based preschool at LGPNS, or similar program, it will certainly be an invaluable gift for them as they grow!
How to decide if TK is the right choice for your family
Request more information from your school district and inquire about a tour to learn more about their specific TK Program. Below are some questions you might ask when inquiring:
How much free choice does the child have?
How much time is child-directed?
How much time is teacher-directed?
How is the district reporting and assessing the student? (Note: This is important as it is indicative of their goals and how they teach)
What does the typical day look like?
What are the hours?
What is the playground like?
Do the children have access to water, mud, bikes, blocks, gardens, etc.?
What is the adult to student ratio?
Schedule a tour of our pre-k program
Our Enrollment team would be happy to schedule a visit for you and your child to observe and participate in our Pre-K class. Please email hello@lgpns.org to schedule your visit or to answer any questions.